LOST premiered September 22, 2004 on ABC. Throughout its six momentous seasons a lot of fans struggled (like me) to follow along with all the flashbacks, flashforwards, time jumps, time traveling, and the overall logic of events that transpired in the show. If you are one of those people, this Notion dashboard will hopefully help you better understand the show's events in an organized manner and see events from different points of view.
Keep in mind: This dashboard has not logged EVERY event that occurred or character seen in the show. I've only included the essentials that will help confused viewers better understand the show's overall timeline.
<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/7fb7374b-9b24-4613-b535-97e25185810b/Profile_Illustration-01.jpg" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/7fb7374b-9b24-4613-b535-97e25185810b/Profile_Illustration-01.jpg" width="40px" /> Dashboard created by **Kevin Barrett** | View my Notion Templates | Follow me on **Twitter,** **Instagram** or Facebook
How to Make a Story Timeline using Notion | StoryFlint
Fictional Story Timeline | Notion Template
<aside> 👉 Flip through the different Views to see each season's episodes.
<aside> 👉 Click into the page of each character to see their respective timelines - Chronological and Character's Perspective
<aside> 👉 Flip through the different Views to see each era of the timeline.